Long Graduation Haircut With Pivoting Sections Tutorial
Stacey Broughton’s haircut is a long graduation giving way to vibrant and sensual curls.
Low Graduated Bob With Disconnection Haircut Tutorial
Graham Oglesby’s haircut is a low graduated bob with disconnection and soft rounded fringe
How To Cut A Triangular Graduated Bob Haircut
Stacey Broughton's tutorial is a classic pure technique combining one-length, graduation and over-direction.
Long Layer Variation Haircut Tutorial Video
Bastian Casaretto’s long layer haircut begins with a simple graduated steep angle in the front areas. Key to this technique are finger angles, over-direction and elevation.
How To Cut A Men's Flat Graduated Pompadour With A Parting
Sarah Astley's men's haircut tutorial is a classic men's taliare, reminiscent of the iconic matinee idol.
Master Graduation With The Firefly
Stacey Broughton's head block haircut tutorial demonstrates a pure firefly technique. This technique teaches how to build graduation from the front hairline through to the back.
How To Cut Men's Short Flat Graduation Haircut
Stacey Broughton's men’s haircut tutorial features a flat short graduated shape incorporating basic barbering techniques.
How To Do A Flat Graduation With A Parting Men's Haircut
Jay Mahmood demonstrates a classic men’s haircut featuring flat graduation and a parting. The final result is a quintessential flat graduated shape with a defined side parting. This is an interpretation of a classic look on very lively hair.
Invisible Disconnection to Reduce Weight and Enhance Head Shape
Gary Woo demonstrates a technique combining layering, graduation and disconnection to reduce weight and create volume
Short Graduated Shape With Disconnection Tutorial
Stacey Broughton’s salon classic haircut is a beautifully balanced sleek graduated classic shape with disconnected areas