Feature Videos

Watch hairdressing videos

These videos and tutorials provide you with insights into the hairdressing industry outside of pure technical skills and hairstyles. They provide advice on essential salon practice and management and include in-depth knowledge of issues such as sustainability and environmental good practice and how to deal with clients in a modern salon environment.

8 training videos

Make A Good Impression Of Yourself And Your Salon

3 minutes

All areas of a salon’s business provides an experience and impression to all clients. As well as representing your salon, you are also representing yourself.

Essential Salon Practice

12 minutes

This exclusive video goes behind the scenes at one of London’s most fashionable salons to showcase essential salon practice.

Sustainability Part 1: Global Concerns and Law

9 minutes

This series of films explores sustainability in view of global issues and sustainable practices of manufacturers, salons and individuals.

Sustainability Part 2: Product Companies and Manufacturers

5 minutes

This series of films explores sustainability in view of global issues and sustainable practices of manufacturers, salons and individuals.

Sustainability Part 3: Salon Practice

12 minutes

This series of films explores sustainability in view of global issues and sustainable practices of manufacturers, salons and individuals.