Salih Celebi

Salih Celebi

Salih Celebi is a traditional Turkish Barber specialising in wet shaves. Well-known in his native Turkey with a list of celebrity clients, Salih began his apprenticeship at the age of 8 years old and in his teens began his first shaves with customers.


Salih Celebi

Salih Celebi is a traditional Turkish Barber specialising in wet shaves. Well-known in his native Turkey with a list of celebrity clients, Salih began his apprenticeship at the age of 8 years old and in his teens began his first shaves with customers. In Turkey, many men visit the barbers on a daily basis, and the level of service and precision they receive is regarded by many to be the epitome of the art of shaving.

training videos by Salih Celebi

Traditional Beauty Wet Shave Tutorial Video

22 minutesCategory: Advanced Training Videos

Salih Celebi’s shaving tutorial is a Traditional Turkish Beauty Wet Shave incorporating facial grooming of the beard area, above the beard outlines, side burns, eye brows and perimeter hairlines.