Christiano Lanza

Christiano Lanza

Learn how to colour women's hair with Christiano Lanza's online hairdressing video tutorials.


Christiano Lanza

In 2001 Christiano accepted a place with the highly acclaimed Vidal Sassoon team, eventually becoming Colour Director.  Christiano also represented Vidal Sassoon in several international shows and seminars as well as featuring in the development of collection techniques in the company’s training videos. Since 2011 he has continued to work alongside leading manufactures, acting as both a consultant and as Christiano Lanza Ltd. While he is fully committed to educational events, in-salon consultancy and team building remain key to his success. His continued innovational thinking is at the forefront of modern education and shares a unique philosophy in the importance of communication of shape and colour in hair design. Christiano is an engaging and passionate educator, widely respected for his expert knowledge with an innate understanding of students from all cultures and their individual needs and motivations.

training videos by Christiano Lanza

How To Do A Virgin Tint Application On Men's Hair

16 minutesCategory: Brunette Hair Colour Tutorial Videos

Christiano Lanza’s men’s colouring tutorial demonstrates a virgin tint application - read more >>

Highlighted Triangle with Lowlights In-Between Tutorial

35 minutesCategory: Highlights and Lowlights Tutorials

Christiano Lanza’s colouring tutorial demonstrates highlighted triangles with woven lowlights in-between and covers topics including weaving, pre-lightening, placement and colour palette

Men's Basic Root Tint Application

21 minutesCategory: Brunette Hair Colour Tutorial Videos

Christiano Lanza’s hair colouring tutorial shows how to apply a basic root tint on hair that has very short side areas with length through the top.

Step By Step Guide To Applying Bleach And Toner

33 minutesCategory: Blonde Hair Colour Tutorial Videos

In this tutorial Christiano Lanza demonstrates a bleach and toner application on men’s hair featuring pointers on method, even lift, porosity, colour palette and suitability

How To Apply A Backwash Grey Toner To Men's Hair

17 minutesCategory: Basic Hair Colouring Tutorial Videos

Christiano Lanza’s tutorial demonstrates a men’s grey tone at the backwash using a quick application technique and a clear explanation of colour choice and suitability.