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28 minutes
Lee Stafford’s women's short hairstyle is a tri-level shape solid on the outline, with round and square internal layers.
20 minutes
Stephanie Lee’s colour technique adds a fusion of subtle natural blonde tones to compliment and define a bi-level shape
23 minutes
In Bastian Casaretto’s tutorial he demonstrates a concave triangular layering technique featuring essential information on reducing weight, over-direction and pivoting sections.
18 minutes
Claus Hagenhoff’s colouring tutorial demonstrates a Herringbone Block Colouring Variation. Within the video Claus provides valuable pointers on sectioning, close levels and contrasting tones. The final result is divergent shades of mahogany and violet browns for a two tone outcome with a subtle interplay to create space and texture in the haircut.
45 minutes
Stacey Broughton’s women's short haircut tutorial demonstrates a simple method of working with over-direction