Short Graduated Mens Haircuts

5 training videos

How To Cut Men's Short Flat Graduation Haircut

37 minutes

Stacey Broughton's men’s haircut tutorial features a flat short graduated shape incorporating basic barbering techniques.

Men’s Parting With A Razor Haircut Tutorial Video

29 minutes

Ivan Rodriguez of New York Barbershop demonstrates a men’s cut with a razor parting. This barbering tutorial features pointers on clippers-over-comb techniques and guards, blending, thinning and the placement and detail of line.

How To Cut A Men's Flat Graduated Pompadour With A Parting

35 minutes

Sarah Astley's men's haircut tutorial is a classic men's taliare, reminiscent of the iconic matinee idol.

How To Do A Flat Graduation With A Parting Men's Haircut

37 minutes

Jay Mahmood demonstrates a classic men’s haircut featuring flat graduation and a parting.

The final result is a quintessential flat graduated shape with a defined side parting. This is an interpretation of a classic look on very lively hair.

Step By Step Guide To Men's Flat Graduation Haircut Video

34 minutes

Tim Hartley’s men's haircutting tutorial is a flat graduated shape with a tight hairline and strong fringe. Tim provides essential pointers on the positioning of a graduated guide, over-direction, blending, tapering and working suitably with growth patterns.