Advance Blonde Colouring Techniques

5 training videos

How To Get Bleach Blonde Hair

21 minutes

Vic Piccolotto's colouring tutorial is a basic root tint application on a light base.

How To Do A Two Tone Blonde Colour Application

24 minutes

Charmaine Piche demonstrates a two-tone blonde application with highlights. This tutorial features pointers on sectioning, colour choice and highlight placement.

Dusty Purple Tones Tutorial

16 minutes

Andreas Kurkowitz's colour tutorial demonstrates a dusty violet base providing a backdrop for an array of beautifully placed violet, orange and grey tones.

How To Do A Gradient Hair Colour

13 minutes

Charmaine Piche’s tutorial guides you through a graduated colour technique using back to back slices to create a gradient of colour from dark to light.

Splash Light Halo Colour Technique

42 minutes

Andrea Bennett’s colouring tutorial demonstrates a splash light technique for a seamless fusion of powdery amber, cinnamon and caramels with a shaft of colour giving the illusion of light