23 / 12 / 20205 videos65 minutesPublic

City&Guilds L3 7004Public

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Hair Science - Structure & Growth Cycle

Hair Science - Structure & Growth Cycle

11 minutes

Tracy Hayes' Hair Science Lecture series begins with an in-depth look at the structure and growth cycle of hair. In this video, Tracy focuses on the the biological structure of hair and its properties.
Hair Science - Problems & Abnormalities

Hair Science - Problems & Abnormalities

12 minutes

Tracy Hayes' Hair Science Lecture concentrates on hair problems and abnormalities from scalp conditions to fungal and bacterial infections.
Hair Science - Infectious Diseases

Hair Science - Infectious Diseases

12 minutes

Tracy Hayes' Hair Science Lecture tackles health issues, infectious diseases and parasites such that you may encounter in the salon and that all hairdressers should be aware of.
Consultancy skills and communication video tutorial

Consultancy skills and communication video tutorial

9 minutes

Develop your knowledge of professional consultation in this essential MHD consultation video tutorial. You will explore the many skills that encompass the consultation process including technical knowledge about treatment and services as well as effective communication and observation.
How to perform specialist consultation services

How to perform specialist consultation services

19 minutes

Explore the key factors and processes of a specialist consultation service in this intermediate MHD consultation video with Sophie Dale